Thursday, June 21, 2012


HEY ! GUYS ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER TREND SPOTTING !!! So lately iv bin seeing that a new trend are these think gold choker / coller necklaces iv seen them on people like rhianna ,kim kardashian,Jessica alba and so many others ! These necklaces can cost around 120 to 200 or even More ! Lets have a look at this Kenneth Jay Lane Gold Collar Necklace for $210 now you can find necklaces just like these for only 10 dollars or maybe less or a little more depending i know mines was $10 i guess it all depends on the style you get and the type of detailing that goes into it .I would post links to places to get them but as the post gets older you know they wont be selling them anymore at the link will not work but stores to check out would be Forever21,H&M,Mandees. you can even check out the other styles is this simple kind seems a little boring and you wanna spice it up a bit This very cute spike choker necklace is from H&M it cost $12.95 i think for the detailing on it its worth the price iv also seen this one i think Rhianna wore it not sure who made it but i know it must cost big bucks lmaoo well I found something similar to it hello guys "LOOK FOR LESS HERE " ! SO JUMP ON IT Rhianna has it
this necklace cost $69 i think its a pretty good dame Deal its by melody ehsani by it Here >>>

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